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Varicose veins are common and present in many forms and varying degrees of severity. The symptoms can range from swelling and discomfort with no visible veins, spider veins, large lumpy veins, minor eczema, skin discolouration and ulcers. Given the wide range of symptoms, one treatment does not fit all.
At Yarra Vascular Surgeons you will receive a comprehensive evaluation which includes, in most locations, an on site venous ultrasound scan. After a thorough assessment of your condition and investigations, our vascular surgeons will advise you of the best treatment option for you. In some cases, a non operative approach may be the best option, whilst in others, treatment may be required to prevent further deterioration and complications.
Our surgeons are highly skilled in performing both minimally invasive varicose vein treatments including the latest radio frequency ablation (RFA), glue, and laser techniques. In most cases, these procedures can be done as a day procedure and you will be able to go home the same day. In certain circumstances, an open surgical procedure may be recommended to treat the veins sufficiently.
Endovenous ablation basically involves placing a catheter/probe inside an incompetent vein in order to permanently close it. The two most common techniques use heat produced by radiofrequency or laser. Other techniques include mechanical trauma or glue.
The procedures are minimally invasive and can be done under local anaesthesia alone. Often endovenous ablation is combined with sclerotherapy or phlebotomy for the best cosmetic results.
Most patients can resume light activity and work the day after the procedure.
This procedure which is most commonly done in the office and involves injecting a foam solution into the targeted veins. The foam irritates the inner lining of the veins which causes inflammation. The inflamed veins either clot or close by the walls sticking to each other.
In some patients this can be a stand alone procedure, and in others it is used as an adjunct to endovenous ablation or surgery. The best results are with smaller veins.
This procedure is well tolerated and patients usually do not require any form of anaesthetic.
Although most of our patients are suitable and get excellent results with minimally invasive techniques - there are some patients where open surgery produces the best results.
Large veins are removed through small incisions which mostly do not require suturing and heal with minimal scarring.
In some patients our surgeons customise treatments by combing endovenous ablation and surgery for very large veins in order to get the best cosmetic results.